Sunday, 20 January 2013

Insanity … Its Over

‘Get Fit or Get Out’ is the logo, ‘Dig Deeper’ is the call from Shaun T. When the DVD is on and he’s shouting at you it’s impossible to say no. You do dig deeper and yes you do get fit.

Without a shadow of a doubt I have loved every minute of the Insanity programme, it’s been really hard work and I’ve had my down days but when the programme goes on you get going. After 60 days I’ve come away feeling tired but great and keen for more. I don’t look like Shaun T but my core feels great, my legs feel strong and I have really pushed some of my tempo sessions when out running.Here are my before and after pics.

Fitting in both the Insanity and running into a hectic life became a juggling act and I’m relieved for a little time back. I will concentrate on running until April while for the first time ever trying to work the core and leg muscles. As a runner you might expect a strong core, quads, calves and hamstrings. Well that clearly wasn’t the case and the Insanity programme with its muscle confusion made me realise just how weak some of my body parts were. I suppose constant running makes my body efficient at one thing rather than developing specifically strong muscles.

Without shadow of a doubt I feel better for the Insanity, even now the suggestion of a workout brings a smile to my face. Colleagues are now following the plan so I will drop in and out from time to time. Often when out running alone I find it a struggle and time passes slowly, in these future moments I will remember my strength, remember the programme and tell myself to ‘Dig Deeper’ :-) 

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