So with only 2 and a half weeks left to go its suddenly become very real indeed. I have boxes of stuff at home, packets of this and samples of that. Empty containers for space saving, zip lock bags all over the place.
The battle is now to get a light pack. My training is complete bar some heat acclimatization so my body weight won't change too much. All my kit is purchased and tested, what I now need to do is confirm exactly what I taking and shave off a few grams here and there for an overall weight saving.
A minimum pack of 6.5kg is compulsory, this consists of the following:
1 - Compulsory kit items such as venom pump, disinfectant, sleeping bag, knife, mirror
2 - Food, minimum compulsory of 14,000 kcal
3 - Luxuries - pillow, coffee, sleeping mat etc
Training with a pack up to 8kg has taught me that every gram counts. Maybe I should have trained with a heavier one but running with only a 5.5kg pack on sunday and it felt potitively light !!!
The dining table now houses my potential food for the week (the wife doesn't find it as funny as me). Currently the weight of it is 3912kg with calories of 17,640, I can remember almost every item off by heart now !!!. The list doesn't include some of my drinks yet so slim it down I must. When I have a definitive list I'll post again :-)
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